Sunnydays 7/8/18

Welcome back to Sunnydays! I had a fairly average week. No relatives flew in from out of town; I didn’t go to see a show or anything. I had to really think about these ones. Being grateful is hard work sometimes! All of that aside, let’s get the ball rollin’. Here are five things that happened during the week that I’m grateful for.

  1. After weeks of a business dry-spell, I am finally starting to get more work. Is it flooding in? No. But it’s started flowing again, so hopefully the trend will continue!
  2. I went to see The Incredibles 2 on Friday with my family. It was a good movie (not nearly as good as the first one, but good) and I got to spend some welcome downtime after a fairly busy week.
  3. Wednesday was Independence Day and I had a tasty burger dinner with family. We were woefully unprepared and didn’t have any fireworks or even sparklers, but my mom scrounged up some party poppers and those little paper twists full of gunpowder that go SNAP! when you throw them (are they called Snaps?). My brother and I managed to make our own fun with those!
  4. I have been taking care of the sweetest kitty. His name is Bear and he’s just ridiculously loving and fun. He loves to snuggle and play, and I want to steal him. (I’m kidding. I swear. I would never. But I do love him.)
  5. I’ve been driving a lot this week and I’ve been using the time to try and catch up with the podcast, Welcome to Nightvale. I know Nightvale is old news at this point, but it’s a really good time. It’s creative, creepy, funny, and just so incredibly weird. It’s a good listen and I highly recommend it.

So there we go. Average week, but a decent number of good experiences to draw from. What happened in your week, average or otherwise, that you’re grateful for? Stop and smell the roses- just watch out for the bees. They’re everywhere this time of year.


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